viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Seize Your Opportunity For Big-Time Brand Differentiation Through The Call Center Customer Experience

Seize Your Opportunity For Big-Time Brand Differentiation Through The Call Center Customer Experience: "
Back in March, I blogged about how bad call center experiences spoil millions of daily opportunities to drive business value. But the business value of improving these interactions varies, of course, by industry and by individual company - and my most recent report, Call Center Experiences Leave Consumers On Hold For Something Better, sheds some light on this.

For example, satisfaction rates for the five banks in our study spanned nearly 40 percentage points. An independent credit union took top honors with an impressive satisfaction score of 90%, while Bank of America came in at just 53%. Ouch. The credit card industry fared similarly: Discover Bank took the top spot with 81% consumer satisfaction, while Citi and Capital One tied for last place with twin scores of 58%. Meanwhile, phone interactions with the four Internet service providers (ISPs) in our study -- AT&T, Comcast, Road Runner (Time Warner Cable), and Verizon -- were universally loathed. The average satisfaction score for the ISPs was the lowest of any industry, and scores for the individual brands saw only an eight percentage-point spread.

Low call center satisfaction is admittedly bad news for brands, agents, and callers alike. But it also means that firms have a near-term opportunity for big-time brand differentiation through the call center customer experience.
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