martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

How can you better understand your boss and help your team to understand you better?

Experience has taught me something basic in understanding other people, and although it seems very simple, it took me a while to understand it completely.
In relation to the model of thought, there are people who think first and then speak and others who think while they speak.
Since the thought process is complex, it is essential to know the mode of thinking of your partner, otherwise, communication can be almost impossible.
Normally, those who think first and then speak , process information internally and when they speak, what they say is the end result of the process of thinking. When they decide to speak, their different ideas have already been processed inside and his words verbalize the conclusion they have arrived. These are people who talk less than others and their ideas are generally maintained over time.
By contrast, people who think while they speak, express the ideas at the time they appear in their mind, so you becomes witness of their thought process, you can see how their ideas grow, sometimes opposing each other, until finally finding the final one.
If you do not understand this, it may seem that these people are contradictory and first say something and then another thing and then another. You must give them time, you are partaker in the process of drafting its final idea.
When dealing with a boss who first thinks and then speaks, you know that what he says is already prepared and he is waiting for you to act accordingly.
If you deal with a "thinking while speaking" boss, you must be a patient listener, and help him with his thought process, contributing ideas and contrasting yours with what he himself is generating, until a final idea arrives. 
If you yourself think while you talk, you should inform your team members about this, so making their job easier. It is also advisable to find trusted partners who know you well to explore your ideas, remember that you need to develop your thoughts.

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